After this whirlwind of a year, you’re no doubt extremely ready to head into your winter break and connect with friends, family, pets, or even yourself (if some end-of-year “me time” and self-reflection are in order).
SchoolMint will also begin our annual winter break starting this Friday at noon and will return refreshed, recharged, and ready to serve you on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
While our sights are set on the new things coming in the new year — stay tuned for the first post of 2024 — we wanted to use Blog #82 of 2023 to reflect on what readers enjoyed most this year!
Take some time to read some of these articles that so many of your peers (and your competition) found useful. No doubt you’ll pick up something you can implement in 2024.
SchoolMint’s Top 10 Posts of 2023
- 20 Tips for Increasing Enrollment at Your School
- 7 Tips to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism and Improve Student Attendance
- Best Practices for Tardy Management in Schools
- Using Mobile to Make Parent Communication More Meaningful
- Get Better Faster: What is it, and How Does it Work?
- 20 Tips for School Social Media
- 10 Reasons Teachers Resist Instructional Coaching and What You Can Do
- The Qualities of a Good Teacher Coach
- Teacher Burnout: Why it Happens — and How it Affects Students
- How to Solve the Teacher Burnout Crisis: 10 Strategies
My takeaway from this year’s review is that schools and districts today, more than ever, need help addressing vital challenges in education — from increasing enrollment to improving student attendance, teacher efficacy, and teachers’ wellbeing.
In 2024, we will continue to be your partner on that front.
Additionally, clients and prospective clients alike really enjoyed our redesigned, refreshed popular guide on increasing enrollment:
At this point, there are 340 articles on our blog, covering a range of topics like:
- Increasing student enrollment
- Improving your student recruitment strategy
- Creating better enrollment experiences for families
- Growing teachers through instructional coaching
- Managing student behavior
You can use the search bar to learn more about topics you’re interested in.

Something you will see more of in 2024 is the SchoolMint newsletter.
To ensure you never miss an update and receive the first edition of 2024, sign up today. We send this out approximately every two weeks to thousands of subscribers, who receive customer stories, tips and tricks, relevant articles, get to hear from our partners at Relay, and more!
Anyway, before I sign off for the year, a heartfelt THANK YOU is in order.
To every SchoolMint subscriber or even general reader who’s joined us each week, know that your engagement and enthusiasm is the fuel that keeps us going.
I love seeing which articles resonate with our audience and hearing direct feedback from clients about a post that helped them with a problem they were facing that week.
I’m looking forward to my own winter break starting this Friday, and I can’t wait to report back on it to you along with the exciting new things kicking off in January.
Until then — stay cozy, stay inspired, and keep your mind curious and eager for more.