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Planning for the Future: Transitioning to a More Efficient Enrollment Process

1 min read
Sep 7, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Location: Houston, TX
Website: District Website
Enrollment: 189,000+
Size: 274 schools

The Challenge

Houston Independent School District (ISD) is known throughout the region for its magnet school programs and opportunities in general for students.

And being the largest school district in Texas, Houston ISD manages thousands of applications every year — which can be a burden on staff and parents as well without a smooth and efficient process.

The district needed a way to transition their student enrollment process to an easily accessible, online application and lottery system that would benefit the district for years to come.

The Solution

  • Research the best student enrollment software and systems that could meet the needs of the district.
  • Discover SchoolMint Enroll and its ability to handle complex application and student lottery needs.
  • Integrate and manage student data and enrollment processes in one efficient, easily accessible K-12 application system.
  • Communicate effectively with families throughout the process.
  • Employ real-time data to guide strategic enrollment decisions for Houston ISD’s future.

The Results

  • Used full student information system integration to pre-population online applications using student data the district already had on hand.
  • Extended the application process to parents essentially anytime, anywhere via computer, tablet, or even smartphone.
  • Translated applications, notifications, and other essential information in order to give full access to all families.
  • Enabled real-time notifications allowing parents and students to stay informed of their enrollment status at all times and maintain lines of communication.

Improve your district’s application and lottery process with the leading K-12 student enrollment software.

SchoolMint Enroll is the premier student enrollment management system for schools and districts that are serious about creating efficient processes for themselves and easy experiences for families.

Learn how SchoolMint Enroll can help you manage any enrollment need: application, lottery, registration, and more.

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