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For Families of One School District, Applying to a Public School is Fast and Easy

1 min read
Jun 2, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Website: District Website
Enrollment: 171,000+
Size: 182 schools

The Challenge

The School District of Palm Beach County is the tenth largest school district in the nation and serves over 171,000 students in a variety of local choice school options, including theme-based, gifted, and specialty programs.

Managing all of these applications and the lottery process was challenging for the district and proved to be demanding on both staff time and the district’s finances.

The Solution

  • Research enrollment systems and identify those that meet the specific needs of the district’s programs and processes — ultimately choosing the student enrollment management system SchoolMint Enroll.
  • Manage student data in one efficient system to streamline the enrollment process.
  • Customize and modify SchoolMint Enroll as necessary to run fair, efficient student lotteries and to regulate the system based on district policy.
  • Use real-time data to guide enrollment decisions.
  • Provide families with quick feedback on student application and lottery status.

The Results

  • Used the district’s existing student information system (SIS) to integrate student data and pre-fill applications, saving time and hassle for both staff and parents.
  • Customized SchoolMint Enroll’s application and lottery module to monitor extensive application restrictions (based on address or zone) and to verify applications automatically based on the specified criteria.
  • Modified the lottery processes to the district’s specific board policy upon implementation to ensure a fair and equitable lottery for student placement.
  • Processed applications en masse and moved students through the enrollment process faster — with less financial and staff time burden than doing manual data entry.

Improve your application and lottery process with the leading K-12 enrollment software.

SchoolMint Enroll is the premier student enrollment management system for districts that are serious about creating efficient processes for themselves and easy experiences for families.

We’ve helped districts like Boulder Valley and Miami-Dade create easy, efficient enrollment experiences — and we’re ready to help your district too.

Learn how SchoolMint Enroll can help you manage any enrollment need: application, lottery, registration, and more.

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