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Greeley-Evans School District 6: Saving Time and Ensuring Equity in K-12 Enrollment

1 min read
Mar 19, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Location: Greeley, CO
Website: District Website
Enrollment: 23,000+
Size: 29 schools

The Challenge

Greeley-Evans School District 6’s enrollment team found themselves taxed with weeks of data entry, manually managing student applications and lottery priorities, offers, acceptances, waitlists, and general communications with the families in their district.

Being a diverse district with 79 different languages spoken in student homes, they needed a way to save time, money, and deliver a truly equitable experience through an updated K-12 enrollment system that could help the district improve their application and lottery management.

The Solution

  • Analyze K-12 enrollment deficiencies and processes.
  • Migrate to the use of an online student enrollment management system for districts: SchoolMint Enroll.
  • Pilot then expand this centralized enrollment process to all schools to create one consolidated enrollment system and timeline.
  • Employ real-time data to guide strategic enrollment decisions and communicate effectively with students and families.

The Results

  • Provided families with mobile access and translations of enrollment forms to ensure fair and equitable access for all families.
  • Eliminated burdensome data entry and time-consuming data analysis.
  • Improved the efficiency of the district’s application and lottery management processes.
  • Delivered real-time data to the enrollment team, which provided better insight for enrollment decision-making.

Improve your district’s enrollment process with the leading enrollment system.

SchoolMint Enroll is the premier student enrollment management system for schools and districts that are serious about creating efficient processes for themselves and easy experiences for families.

Our comprehensive enrollment management software provides functionality for managing:

  • Student Applications
  • Lottery and Placement
  • New Student Registration
  • Returning-Student Registration
  • ECE, CTE, Virtual School, Transfers, Magnet Programs, etc.

Learn how SchoolMint Enroll can help you manage any enrollment need — applications, lottery, registration, and more.

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