Like you, SchoolMint is committed to supporting the health and safety of our employees, our business partners, and the communities we call home.
And like you, we have been monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and adapting in response to guidance from local, state, and federal authorities.
Our current status is summarized below.
- Supporting our Customers: Throughout this time, SchoolMint remains committed to client service and product excellence. We do not anticipate any interruption in our ability to deliver products or to provide ongoing support and services to our customers. We are confident that any alternative work arrangements which may be necessary will not disrupt our ability to partner with you, meet our deadlines, and achieve a high level of results.
- Respecting Customer Policies: SchoolMint will work with you to support you in a manner to best meet your needs as you deal with the impacts of COVID-19. We are prepared to work with you and adapt to your policies, schedules, and other needs as they evolve to manage this situation.
- Monitoring the Evolving Situation: SchoolMint has assembled a cross-department working group to closely monitor news alerts and developments from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local, state, and Federal Government. We maintain frequent communication regarding the evolving situation internally and externally and continue to implement refinements to our operations on an as-needed basis.
- Minimizing Travel: In response to various recommendations, SchoolMint has limited, but not completely stopped, client and non-client travel during this time. We are prepared to deliver on-site services as needed but are following the guidance of authorities and many of our customers to limit travel and seek alternative methods of collaboration. New guidance from federal, state, or local leaders, or from your organization may cause us to make revisions in our policy. Meanwhile, we are prepared to maintain our ability to serve you if we need to change our travel policy.
- Leveraging Technology: SchoolMint has long-used leading-edge technologies to enhance our capacity for successful virtual collaboration inside our organization and with you. We are well prepared to expand the use of technology to continue to meet your needs without relying on travel or in-person meetings.
We look forward to continuing to support you, your students, your staff, and your parents through these challenging times.
Please know that we are here if you need us.

Bryan MacDonald