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Achievement First Public Charter Schools: Automating the Student Lottery Process for 41 Schools

1 min read
Aug 17, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Location: Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York
Website: Main Website
Enrollment: 15,000+
Size: 41 schools

The Challenge

With a network of 41 schools across three different states, Achievement First Public Charter Schools struggled to manage waitlists for students applying for enrollment.

They needed a way to monitor applications to multiple schools, execute their K-12 student lottery system, and oversee nuances of their process — such as the lack of dynamic sibling preference, a preference that’s applied to one sibling when another is already enrolled in one of their schools.

The Solution

  • Evaluate the charter management organization’s current K-12 enrollment, application, and lottery management processes.
  • Implement an online enrollment management system, SchoolMint Enroll, to provide a uniform process across the network of schools.
  • Customize application, lottery, and placement processes based on the needs of individual schools.
  • Access real-time data to make strategic enrollment decisions on student enrollment and to effectively communicate with students and families.

The Results

  • Seamless division of responsibility between the external relations team and schools.
  • Network-wide support for services, such as application entry, lottery execution, and family waitlist communications, which allows schools to focus specifically on family data.
  • Instant notification of lottery results, enabling quick acceptances and real-time data updates.

Improve your network’s lottery with the leading K-12 student enrollment software.

SchoolMint Enroll is the premier student enrollment management system for charter schools and charter management organizations that are serious about creating efficient processes for themselves and easy experiences for families.

SchoolMint Enroll supports comprehensive enrollment management for charter management organizations’ needs as well as single-point solutions for enrollment:

Learn how SchoolMint Enroll can help you run an efficient, fair, multi-campus student lottery.

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