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Riverside Brookfield High School: Reducing Tardiness and Suspensions Through Positive Behavior Platform

1 min read
Jun 26, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Location: Riverside, IL
Website: School Website
Enrollment: 1,600+
Part of Riverside Brookfield Township School District 208

The Challenge

Due to their location and size, the students at Riverside Brookfield High School arrive at school by walking, riding their bikes, or being dropped off instead of riding the bus.

This was resulting in a significant tardy problem with their student population. And while staff tried to implement a positive behavior program to mitigate the problem, only about 10% of the student population was incentivized to change their behavior.

They needed to revamp their student tardy management program in a way that would allow the school to reach more students and build a culture of better student attendance habits.

The Solution

  • Modify the existing school behavior program and integrate it into an online student and classroom behavior management tracking platform, SchoolMint Hero.
  • Institute clear and consistent behavior expectations that are used school-wide.
  • Reach out to local businesses to obtain highly motivating rewards that students can work toward earning.
  • Use insightful data to monitor student progress and make decisions for those requiring extra support.

The Results

  • Experienced a 42% decrease in first-semester suspensions.
  • Created a more consistent and objective discipline culture to focus on positive student behavior.
  • Re-aligned their existing student behavior expectations into a new attendance tracking system with easier tardy tracking and attendance data management.
  • Promoted engagement and incentivized students to attend school by offering motivating rewards, such as gift cards and sports memorabilia, donated by local businesses.

Ready to transform student behavior and attendance at your school?

SchoolMint Hero is a customizable classroom management and attendance tracking software that can help you:

  • Improve school climate and culture
  • Improve student learning through more effective instruction time
  • Reduce student tardiness and chronic absenteeism
  • Implement consistent behavior management and your desired framework: PBIS, MTSS, RTI, restorative justice, and more

Visit our website to see how SchoolMint Hero can make a difference in your school today!

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