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Renaissance Charter School at Pines: Teaching Accountability Through PBIS Software

1 min read
Apr 8, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Location: Pembroke Pines, FL
Website: School Website
Enrollment: 900+
Part of Charter Schools USA

The Challenge

Renaissance Charter School was in search of a K-12 student behavior management program that would allow staff to implement Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) on a huge, school-wide scale.

They wanted to move beyond simply providing discipline for unwanted behaviors and move toward teaching students about accountability in a tangible, real-world way.

The Solution

  • Identified an online behavior management platform to implement a school-wide charter school PBIS program.
  • Clearly and consistently set behavior expectations to promote positive interactions between students and staff.
  • Manage behavior data and use updated reporting to keep students on track and to reinforce students’ positive behaviors.
  • Modify the student behavior program to continue to incentivize students in the future and meet school needs.

The Results

  • Experienced an incredible 50% decrease in referrals and suspensions through the help of SchoolMint Hero’s classroom management tools.
  • Acknowledged and rewarded positive behaviors (such as participating in class and showing respect for others) by awarding points to make students consciously aware of their behaviors.
  • Incentivized continued positive behavior by allowing students to cash in their points for prizes.
  • Used real-time student behavior management data to track and monitor behavior as well as intervene when necessary to prevent an escalation in discipline.
  • Decreased the number of tardies and suspensions, leading to more positive student–adult interactions.

Ready for a transformation in your school’s climate and culture?

SchoolMint Hero is the best student behavior and classroom management system for schools who are serious about creating positive learning environments for students, staff, and teachers.

Learn how SchoolMint Hero can help your charter school improve student behavior and attendance tracking!

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