SchoolMint Blog

Introducing “7 Steps to a Better Student Recruitment Plan”

Written by Charli Renckly-DeWhitt | Aug 17, 2023 1:00:00 PM

We’re excited about our new seven-part blog series on student recruitment!

Improving your school’s student recruitment plan can feel like stepping into a vast labyrinth.

With so many avenues to explore — website enhancements, school tours, ambassador programs, and advertising — it’s easy to become overwhelmed and struck by decision paralysis. When every decision seems to carry equal weight, forging a path forward is anything but clear.

Where should you even start?

At SchoolMint, we understand your challenges all too well. For more than 10 years, we’ve collaborated with schools and districts to unravel what’s holding them back from better enrollment, enhance enrollment efforts, and engage a thriving student body.

With the new school year and enrollment numbers top of mind, we’re excited to share our insights with you in our seven-part blog series: 7 Steps to a Better Student Recruitment Plan.

Here are all the steps:

In this series, you’ll dive into the core aspects that can significantly enhance your recruitment strategy.

Whether you’re looking to deepen family engagement, define (or refine) your story (aka your value proposition), understand your audience, or structure captivating school tours, this series will equip you with actionable steps that yield real results.

We believe that by embracing these strategies and committing just 30 minutes to an hour each day to read the article and complete each assignment, you’ll make substantial strides in your recruitment endeavors.

Get Ready!

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your recruitment strategy won’t be either.

Yes, it’ll require time and effort — but by embracing the guidance in this series, you’ll be astounded by the progress you can make in just one week!

As you navigate these seven steps to better student recruitment, remember: every small stride you take today will shape the monumental progress you’ll achieve tomorrow.

Interested in improving your student recruitment strategy right now?

Get your copy of 20 Tips for Increasing Student Enrollment below!