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Empowering Purdue Polytechnic High School Through Marketing and Community Outreach

4 min read
Aug 28, 2024 8:00:00 AM

When Shatoya Ward stepped into her role as Chief of School Operations for Purdue Polytechnic High School (PPHS), she brought with her a wealth of experience in leadership, education, and coaching and developing teachers within the PPHS community.

However, she quickly realized that running a school network also required building a strong brand, engaging with the community, and effectively marketing the school to prospective families — areas where educators and school leaders aren’t usually trained.

Ward also noticed that her marketing and community outreach staff felt isolated in their roles.

In many schools, marketing teams are sometimes seen merely as the “newsletter people” or the “social media team,” and their impact is often overlooked or misunderstood. This can easily lead school marketers feeling unsure if their efforts are really making a difference.

Ward knew her team needed more than just directives; they needed practical strategies, tools, and continuous support to succeed.

The Challenge: Bridging the Gap in School Marketing and Community Outreach

Marketing and enrollment efforts in schools can often feel like a lonely job. The people in these roles may not have colleagues who fully understand the complexities of their work, and they often report to leaders who aren’t sure how to measure success in this area. 

At PPHS, Ward knew that simply telling her team to “build relationships in our community” wasn’t enough. They needed clear guidance on how to do it effectively.

Moreover, they needed a thought partner — someone to bounce ideas off, get feedback, and refine strategies together.

This was the kind of partnership SchoolMint could provide.

The Solution: School Marketing Consulting and Professional Enrollment Training

SchoolMint offered PPHS a comprehensive solution that included not only training and coaching but also ongoing school marketing consulting and thought partnership.

The relationship began with a deep dive into the school’s existing marketing and community outreach efforts.

The SchoolMint consultant worked closely with Ward and her team to understand their specific needs, goals, and challenges.

Hands-On Workshops and Continuous Mentorship

One of the first steps was conducting hands-on workshops tailored to the team’s real-world needs. The SchoolMint consultant led sessions on developing a robust marketing strategy, including:

But what truly set SchoolMint apart was the ongoing support after these initial sessions.

Recognizing that successful implementation requires continuous effort, the SchoolMint consultant scheduled regular follow-up meetings with the PPHS team. These sessions weren’t just check-ins; they were opportunities for the team to discuss new ideas, seek feedback, and solve problems together.

As Ward puts it, “Sometimes, having a thought partner is half the battle. Just having someone we can go to and say, ‘We’re thinking of doing this. What do you think?’ is a great resource. And that’s not even including the wealth of training, resources, and templates that are at our disposal as part of this ongoing coaching.”

Whether it was helping a community outreach coordinator draft a press release, setting up automated messaging on Facebook, or brainstorming a new campaign, having a SchoolMint consultant to guide them meant that the PPHS team was not only getting the professional development they needed but also spending their time on proven strategies that drive success.

Interested in some of the aforementioned free resources and templates available to clients like Ward and her team? Check out SchoolMint Enrollment Academy.620x300Blog_Email Ad Full Ad

The Impact: A Transformed Approach to Community Outreach

The partnership with SchoolMint has been beneficial for PPHS. The marketing and community outreach team no longer feels isolated in their work and knows that they have an expert to support them whenever they might need it.

With the ongoing mentorship and practical support provided by SchoolMint’s marketing consulting services, they’ve gained confidence and effectiveness in their roles.

Additionally, the team now has school marketing tools and school outreach strategies to build meaningful relationships within the community — ultimately helping the team communicate the unique value of attending PPHS to prospective families.

“Having a school marketing consultant to meet with our community outreach coordinators means that not only are they getting the professional development they need as individuals but also that they are spending their time and efforts on things that are proven to actually drive success. As educators, we know how important it is to have a mentor and support when it comes to improving your craft — so this is the perfect way to provide that to our team for marketing and enrollment,” says Ward.


For schools in competitive enrollment environments like Purdue Polytechnic High School, where effective school marketing and community engagement are crucial, having the right support can make all the difference.

SchoolMint’s tailored approach to training, mentoring, and consulting has empowered the PPHS team to excel, contributing significantly to the school’s enrollment growth and success — and we’re ready to help your school(s) achieve similar growth through our variety of school marketing and consulting services.

Discover which solution is best for your school or district here.

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