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5 Easy Ways Teachers Can Celebrate the First Day of School

3 min read
Aug 9, 2024 8:00:00 AM

The first day of school is always a whirlwind of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to a little bit of nervousness!

As a parent, I experienced this firsthand when my daughter started her first day of Kindergarten this year. Her teacher sent a special video the night before, reading a story about the night before Kindergarten to ease her nerves, and they included a simple explanation of what her morning was going to be like.

It was a simple gesture, but it made a world of difference for my kiddo, who was understandably a little bit nervous about starting a new school.

Inspired by this, I've put together a list of easy and fun ways teachers can make the first day of school extra special for students and their families. After all, we know that first impressions really matter ,and that if you want your families to feel like they made the RIGHT choice in choosing your school — you need to make sure and remind them why they chose you in the first place!

Here are five ideas to try.

1. Welcome Videos and Stories

Teachers can create a short welcome video introducing themselves and their classroom. My daughter’s teacher did this, and it set a positive tone for the start of the school year. She read “The Night Before Kindergarten” story and talked about all the fun activities planned for the next day.

This simple yet powerful gesture can help ease any anxieties students might have and get them excited about meeting their new teacher.

A personal touch, like mentioning something special about the class pet or a favorite classroom activity, can make students feel more connected even before they walk through the door.

class pet cat example for the first day of school

2. “Sweet Dreams Confetti”

My mom, who has been a Kindergarten teacher since I was in Kindergarten (which was longer ago than I’d care to say), sends home “Sweet Dreams Confetti.

It’s a small packet of confetti with a note encouraging students to put it under their pillow to ensure a restful sleep and sweet dreams.

This thoughtful touch helps kids feel special and reassured about their big day. You can easily make this by using colorful paper, or even small star-shaped confetti, paired with a sweet note. This little packet can be a magical keepsake that students look forward to year after year.

3. Classroom Treasure Hunt

Organize a simple treasure hunt around the classroom. This activity not only familiarizes students with their new environment but also makes exploring their classroom a fun adventure. Teachers can hide small treats or stickers at various stations with clues leading to the next spot.

For example, one clue could lead students to the reading corner, where they find a bookmark, and another might lead them to their cubbies, where a new pencil or homework folder awaits.

This encourages teamwork and helps students feel comfortable in their new space while also sparking their curiosity and excitement.

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4. First Day Photo Booth

Set up a photo booth with fun props and a backdrop for students to take their First Day of School photos. Invite parents to join in and capture this milestone. Sharing these photos with the school community can create a sense of togetherness and excitement. Plus, it gives families a fun memory to look back on.

You can get creative with props like oversized glasses, chalkboard signs, or even a mini school bus cutout.

young boy taking pic at back to school photo booth

Encourage parents to share their photos on a designated school hashtag to build a sense of community online as well.

5. Family Involvement Activities

Plan an activity that involves families, such as a breakfast or a meet-and-greet after drop-off. This not only allows parents to connect with each other but also helps them feel more involved in their child’s education from the start.

Simple activities like creating a class puzzle, where each family decorates a piece, can foster a sense of community and belonging. Another idea is to have a “hopes and dreams” board where families can write down their aspirations for the school year. This creates a visual reminder of the community’s collective goals and excitement.

Let’s Get Started!

The first day of school is a significant event in every child’s life, and making it special can set the tone for a positive and productive school year. Whether it’s through a warm welcome video, comforting “Sweet Dreams Confetti,” or engaging family activities, there are many ways teachers can celebrate this milestone.

So here’s to a fantastic school year filled with excitement, learning, and unforgettable memories!

If you’d like more tips on the return to school this month, check out 6 Tips for Making Your Back-to-School Night a Success.

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