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Enrollment Learning Series: How to Overcome Bad Reviews of Your School

2 min read
Sep 2, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Negative parent reviews on Niche, Great Schools, Google, and Facebook can feel like a punch to the gut. They damage your school’s hard-earned reputation and even affect enrollment.

And it takes only a few bad reviews to completely overshadow the good work you do every day to provide a great education to students.

But what if you could drown out the noise of bad school reviews with positivity instead?

How to Overcome Bad Reviews of Your School

Join us on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, for an essential webinar designed to put you in the driver’s seat of your school’s online reputation.

In only 30 minutes, you’ll learn:

  • How to handle bad reviews before situations spiral out of control
  • Techniques to engage with dissatisfied parents
  • Practical tips on getting positive reviews from satisfied parents

Don’t let bad reviews define your school. Register below to take the first step toward controlling your school or district’s online reputation!Webinar 9 - Promo

Register Today

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Secure Your Spot: Register here. You’ll get a confirmation email shortly afterward.
  2. Save the Date: Set a reminder for Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 1:00 PM Central Time — or look for the confirmation email and save the invite to your calendar.
  3. Spread the Word: Share the registration link with your colleagues. Great insights are meant to be shared.
  4. Stay in the Loop: Sign up for the SchoolMint Insider newsletter so that you never miss a future webinar.

So register today, set a reminder, share the link, and sign up to stay in the know each month — then show up Tuesday, September 24, for a half-hour that’ll help you mitigate the devastating effects of bad school reviews!

Get Positive Online Reviews for Your School

Don’t want to wait until September 24 for insights that’ll help you drown out the effect of bad online reviews of your school from parents?

Check out SchoolMint’s range of school marketing and digital advertising solutions! We can help you through:

  • Identifying where you can improve your school’s online presence and reputation
  • Telling a positive story about your school through professional digital ads
  • Creating a highly effective enrollment-focused website for your school

We’d love to work with you and figure out your school’s best marketing strategy to overcome the effect of negative online reviews.ready to increase enrollment banner ad

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