When you imagine the kind of family you want to enroll in your school, who do you see?
This image in your head shouldn’t just be wishful thinking.
Instead, it should be the foundation for one of the most powerful marketing tools utilized by the biggest, most successful brands in the world: customer personas.
Creating customer personas for schools is a critical part of every school’s marketing plan. These personas don’t just help you visualize your current and target families but also, when done right, they’re essential tools to frame every decision you make about how to increase enrollment.
A customer persona is essentially a fictional character you create to understand who your current and target families are.
You’ll eventually want to give this character a face and a name. But for now, ask yourself two basic questions:
Often, people unfamiliar with using customer personas focus on raw demographic data — like the kind you can find on a driver’s license: Age, address, gender…
These are all valuable data points that can help you target your message.
For example, if your school’s target families speak Spanish at home, that will obviously influence how you communicate with them.
Also, families with lower income tend to connect to the internet on their phones instead of laptops or desktops. This means you need to ensure your website is mobile compatible (which you should be doing anyway).
However, sometimes these broad categories can be used as crutches.
The most useful information for your public school customer personas isn’t what these families look like. It’s understanding what they want:
Your school likely contains a variety of families who bring different experiences to your campus and chose your school for different reasons.
The task of creating customer personas for schools is to look past all these peoples’ differences and think about what they have in common. Consider conducting a survey to get hard data about your school community.
While the process of creating personas is an art as much as a science, the better information you have going in about why families chose (or perhaps did not choose) your school is going to make your personas more powerful.
Here are some tips:
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Below are the seven basic questions you have to answer to create effective public school customer personas.
You want your answers to be as specific as possible, but don’t go on too long. An index card worth of information is plenty for each topic.
To make this persona feel real, you should give them a name to evokes an image of them in your head. Typically, this entails choosing a first name and pairing it with a one-word description of their primary trait.
For example, a school hoping to attract busy working parents might create a persona called “Busy Beth,” or a new charter school attempting to win over skeptical parents might create a persona called “Skeptical Sam.”
In the description, dig a little deeper into your persona to visualize who this person is. Avoid demographic data (that’s coming next). Instead, think about this person’s needs and motivations when it comes to choosing a school.
For example:
This is the raw data like age, income, race, etc. Again, this information is important, but often not as important as the rest of the persona.
In our examples, Busy Beth is an upper middle class married woman in her mid-40s, while Skeptical Sam is a working class man in his 30s.
Through SchoolMint Enrollment Academy, you can download a free parent persona template under the academy’s Marketing Resources section. This easy-to-fill-in Canva template provides an example persona as well as a blank copy so that you can create your own school personas.
Understanding your target’s goals and needs is the most critical part of creating a persona. Ask yourself, “What are the problems that this person has, and how can our school solve those problems?”
This can be a daunting task, but it’s the crux of the entire exercise.
To see how we can approach this question, let’s go back to Beth and Sam:
Skeptical Sam, on the other hand, might not know your public charter school exists. He might not even know what a charter school is! Sam wants to send his kids to the best school he can, but he doesn’t want to take risks with his children’s education.
Perhaps Sam would benefit from learning that the organization operating the new charter school has a proven track record elsewhere in the state.
What’s keeping your target families from choosing your school? And, more importantly, how can you overcome these barriers?
Beth is strapped for time. She’s committed to doing her research about all local schools, but she’s easily put off schools that make this research hard for her — whether through poorly designed websites, confusing communications, or lack of available tours.
For people like Beth, it is important to understand how your site looks through the eyes of a parent and guardian.
Sam’s district includes neighborhood public schools, magnet schools, and charter schools, each with its own admissions process.
Sam’s not clear on the distinctions between the schools, so unless he’s convinced otherwise, he’s not going to spend time trying to figure it out.
Of course, it won’t matter what you tell Beth and Sam about your school unless you have a good way of communicating with them.
Which brings us to…
Who are Beth and Sam’s trusted sources for information?
Perhaps this means it’s worthwhile to have a current parent who lives near Sam to reach out to him personally, perhaps with a handwritten postcard.
Now that you’ve answered the big questions, gather all the information together and post it on a board. Then find a photograph to go along with this persona, and put it on the wall in your office to make this person seem even more real.
Every time you face a decision that might affect enrollment, look at the personas you’ve created. Think to yourself, “How would Beth or Sam react?”
By molding your strategy around what you know about these personas, you’re going to greatly increase your chances of reaching the families just like them in your community.
However, you don’t have to wait for a decision to come across your desk to consider your personas. Be proactive and create some goals of your own for how you plan to reach these families.
Perhaps your goal with Beth is to wow her with your website, impress her with your after-school enrichment program, and get her to believe your public school will make her life easier while preparing her child for the real world.
With Sam, your first goal is probably to get him to know you exist so you can explain to him the advantages of your public school and get him to understand your school has a track record of providing an amazing education for free.
Like many things in life, the process of creating public school customer personas is never done. As your school or community changes and you get more information about the families you serve, update your personas.
The more real you make them, the more useful they will be. And the easier it will be to turn the imaginary families in your head into enrolled students in your classrooms.
But creating parent personas is just the first step.
For 19 additional tips on increasing enrollment in your school and improving your school marketing efforts, check out our comprehensive guide, 20 Tips for Increasing Student Enrollment.